Answer the following with reference to the case study of your choice.Analyse and provide insights as to how marketing analytics can be used to gain a 360-degree view of target audiences and customers.

Select one of the following HBP case studies and answer allthe following questions.

1.ASICS Chasing a 2020 vision

2.Customer Analytics at Big Basket–Product recommendations

3.CDK Digital Marketing: Addressing Channel Conflict with Data Analytics

4.Predicting consumer tastes with big dataLinks to Case Studies in Moodleunder Assessment 3 Case study questions

Answer ALL the following with reference to the case study of your choice.

1.Identify and explain how marketing analytics using big data would enable improved customer acquisition/ retention

2.Analyse and provide insights as to how marketing analytics can be used to gain a 360-degree view of target audiences and customers.

3.Aberdeen Group’s Data-Driven Retail studyshowedthat “data-driven retailers enjoy a greater annual increase in brand awareness by 2.7 times (20.1% vs. 7.4%) when compared to all others.” List and describe how thecompany of choice(case study selected)could leverage big data and analytics to increase brand awareness.

4.List and explain 4 challenges of usingrelevant analytical, techniques and methods for Strategic Marketing Decision Making

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