Describe how the company was organized internally. What was the organizational structure? Identify and describe your role and responsibilities within the company.

Principles and Practices of Supervision -BUS 847 –C21 Assignment 5Assignment 5–TEAM BasedScorecard: 35%

Purpose:This assignment covers all course topics from Weeks1 through12.

The purpose of this assignment is to tie in the main components of supervision that can be implemented in the workplace. This assignment provides an opportunity to critically think about the situations you are presented with and develop answers based on real lifework experiences and the course material.


Drawing on a real-life scenario, the course material andany external sources (e.g. articles, journals) to answer the questions below in standard short answer essay format.(1600to 1650words in total):

Part 1:The Organization

1.1Identify a type of company you have worked foror one that you are familiar with and provide abrief summary ofthe competitive landscape.

1.2Describe how the company was organized internally. What was the organizational structure? Identify and describe your role and responsibilities within the company.Otherwise, identify a key role and its responsibilities.

1.3Describe how the workplace environment has been influenced or impacted in one (1)of the following three(3) areas: Diversity, Health & Safety/ Mental Health or a Union Collective Agreement.Only Select one (1)of the three (3) areas below:

1.Diversity –Explain your involvement or the company’s involvement in promoting or accommodating diversity in the workplace.

2.Health & Safety -Explain your involvement or the company’s involvement inadheringto Health & Safety regulations or creating a safe working environment.Mental Health-Explain your involvement or the company’s involvement in adhering to mental health regarding job burnout and psychosocial factors the workplace to createa safe working environment.(–Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety)

3.Labour Relations –Explain your involvement or the company’s involvement in resolving disputes, conflict or the handling of grievances within a Unionenvironment.

Principles and Practices of Supervision -BUS 847–C21 Assignment 52Part 2


Answer any three (3) of the four (4) questions below.

2.1 Identify and describe your preferred leadership style. Compare your leadership style to other styles and explain your strengths and areas for development. How does your preferred leadership style relate to the main theories ofmanagement?

2.2 Describe a situation to manage change by motivatinga group of peers or employees to complete a difficult task. Explain how you would communicate the change? Explain what methods or strategies you would use toresolve conflict among your peers or employees? Do you anticipate the changeto besuccessful? Why or whynot?

2.3 Amongst your team, create one (1) short term plan and one (1) long term plan to reduce costs at your place of work. Explain your decision-makingprocess in deciding upon these plans. Explain how you would effectively communicate your plan to your direct manager to obtain buy in. Explain what components in obtaining these goals could be delegated to another employee and explain yourreasoning.

2.4 You have been re-assigned to supervise a technical production department. The employees within this group are front line employees that provided Onlinetechnical support to customers. Describe how you would identify the departments training needs? Describe how you would evaluate if the training met your needs. Explain what role you should play in delivering the training versus Human Resources. Explain what your preferred method of training wouldbe.

Part 3:Performance Management

Answer both questions below.

3.1 Throughout the week you have observed a drop in your team’s productivity. Describe some of the indicators that would point to a poor performing employee. Explain how you would collect the data on the drop in productivity. Explain what steps you would take in preparing to take disciplinary action against the employee. Describe the various employee responses to receiving the discipline and what options you have as a supervisor in assisting the employee recognizing their performance issue.

3.2 Based on the above scenario you as a supervisor must now prepare for the employees’ year end performance review session. Write a script detailing the narrative that you would prepare and read to a problem employee that has only met 3 of their 10 goals and objectives that were established with them at the beginning of the year. In creating the script you will have to anticipate resistance and build in your responses. The script should have atleast six (6) short sentences (including the opening & closingremarks).

Principles and Practices of Supervision -BUS 847–C21 Assignment 53


•Apply the course material and concepts within your answers

•Integrate the course material to real life examples


1.This is a team project. Each team member is expected to contribute equally.

2.Assign a team leader

3.Select a professional team name

4.Create a “Team Contract” (500to 750words -2to 3pages plus a cover page)5.Team leader submits a professional Cover Page that includes the: Course Name and Number, University Name, Assignment and Topic Name, Assignment Due Date, Team Name, Team Leader and Team Members Names, Instructor Name.

The Team Contract shall include details under the following headings:

1.Purpose of the Team Contract

2.Statement of Shared Goals

3.Expectations, Policies and Procedures E.G. What does participation in meetings / discussions look like? Active Communication. Respect and Courtesy.

Quality of work, Preparation, Meeting Deadlines, Participation in Decision Making, How will you honour your time lines, follow up etc.? How will you motivate each other and celebrate wins?

4.Critical Dates Outline:E.G.Meeting dates and times, format, expected outcomes etc.

5.Roles, Responsibilities and TimelineOutlineE.G.Who is accountable for different items? Create a table to track and document activities. Note: Suggested to include some communication surrounding tracking changes in roles and responsibilities.

6.Conflict Management E.G.How will you manage conflict? Including any breaches.

7.Team Contract AcceptanceE.G.Acceptance by ALL Team. Team Members Names and Contact Information, Signatures by all team members•Submit the Team Contract the related assignment folder

•You may search online for template and / or create your own.

•Ensure you cite any templates etc.

•Complete a Team Peer Assessment form•Submit the Team Contract the related assignment folder

•Save the file as Team Name Assign 5_Team Contract.pdf Principles and Practices of Supervision -BUS 847–C21 Assignment 54


1.Use MS Word to write your report

2.Margins, use normal 1” all round

3.Line Spacing: 1.5

4.Font Style: Arial or Calibri 5.Font Size: 12

6.Include aprofessional Cover Page

7.Cover Page should include: Your name, Course Name/Number, Instructor Name, Due Date, Assignment Name/Number, University Name

8.Include page numbers on each page

9.Use Headings and Sub-Headings and white space for the areas of focus / questions. This allows the reader to easily navigate through yourreport.

10.Write in the 3rdperson and in complete sentences overall. Use bullet point form where appropriate.

11.Save the file as your TEAMname, underscore, Assign 5e.g. ABC Media _Assign 5.docx

12.Convert your completed MS Word file into a PDF file, following the same file naming format.

13.PDF files are required as MS Word can sometimes distort formatting pending on the version files are opened in and also during file transfer and file upload.


1.There is 1PDFfile to submit for this assignmente.g. ABC Media_Assign 5.pdf

2.Your team leader shall submit your assignment using the related assignment folder in A2L, located under theAssessment tab.

3.Please note that assignments that are not submitted via the related assignment folder in A2Lwill be subject to a 2% per day late penalty.

4.Please note that late assignments in general will be subject to a 2%per day late penalty, without the appropriate documentation. (Includes weekends and holidays)

5.After 7 days, assignments will not be accepted and a grade of zero will be applied.

6.Assignments are automatically entered in Turnitin®, a programusedto detectplagiarism.

7.Comply with McMaster University’s policies on referencing and onacademic honesty.


•Any updates to the content will be posted in A2L

•Pay attention to the assignment instructions

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