Research a criminal law case of interest to you.Write an essay in standard English that describes what happened in the case, the outcome of the case, and your thoughts on the case.

Criminal Law Case Research Project


Research a criminal law case of interest to you. This case must be one that involved criminal activity in the workplace. Then, write an essay in standard English that describes what happened in the case, the outcome of the case, and your thoughts on the case.

The essay must be in the correct MLA format with all items completed, all information typed, and it must not exceed two double-spaced typewritten pages. The writing must be correct with regard to grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. This essay will be submitted through SafeAssign to check for academic honesty.

Scoring Criteria for Reports

Criteria Possible Points

1. Essay discusses a criminal law case involving criminal activity in the workplace.

2. Essay describes what happened in the case.

3. Essay describes the outcome of the case.

4. Essay explains your thoughts on the case

6. The writing is correct with regard to grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure.

7. The essay is predominately in the writer’s own words, as opposed to quotes, and all quotes are indicated by quotation marks.

Note: Follow directions. The most common reason for losing points on this assignment for many students has been the failure to pay attention to detail in following the directions for the research project.

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