Based on the reading and film, and all that you have studied so far, reflect upon shamanism. What have you learned from these two sources (give some specific examples from each source)? Did anything particularly catch your interest or surprise you? How would you compare the role and practices of shamans to medical practitioners that you are familiar with?Explain


Based on the reading and film, and all that you have studied so far, reflect upon shamanism. What have you learned from these two sources (give some specific examples from each source)? Did anything particularly catch your interest or surprise you? How would you compare the role and practices of shamans to medical practitioners that you are familiar with?

Given below are the readings and videos you should refer inorder to write this report.

ARTICLE – Walker, Marilyn

2003 Music as Knowledge in Shamanism and Other Healing Traditions of Siberia. Arctic Anthropology 40(2):40-48.

WATCH – Siegel, Taggart, Jim McSilver, and Sarita Seigel, dir. and prod.

2001 The Split Horn: The Life of a Hmong Shaman in America. 57 min. Independent Television Service. San Francisco, CA.

(If you have any problems with this link to the film, you can find this on the OC Library website. Enter the title, The Split Horn, in the Library Catalogue Search, and you will find a link to the streaming version of the film).

After watching the film, follow this link for a brief interview with the filmmakers.

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