Watch the movie Freedom Writers (122:57 min.).What did you learn about the field of education from this movie? What messages are explicit and what messages are implied?

Comparative Cultures
Teaching in Today’s Society

Images of Education in Media

Directions: Complete the tasks below for the online class.

Watch the movie Freedom Writers (122:57 min.). Feel free to watch with classmates and chip in on the rental as needed (e.g., Amazon, Netflix, On-demand, Red Box, GSU or local library, etc.).

How are the characters (e.g. students, teachers, administrators, counselors, parents, etc.) portrayed? DO NOT ONLY FOCUS ON ONE OR TWO- Focus on as many characters as you can!

How is the setting depicted?

What dilemmas are faced?

What are the dominant voices in this clip? What voices are missing?

How does this movie compare to your own personal experiences?

What did you learn about the field of education from this movie? What messages are explicit and what messages are implied?

Conduct a search about the film Freedom Writers. What do critics say about the film? Find at least one review and/or analysis that discusses stereotypes, negative messages, etc.

List at least 3 key points worth remembering and/or sharing with others from the text you explored. Be sure to cite your source. Please remember to reflect/elaborate on those key points.

Read the Overarching Patterns in Media Coverage of Education Issues by Moira O’Neil (pdf attached in iCollege folder). List at least 3 key points worth remembering and/or sharing with others. Remember to reflect/elaborate on those key points.

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