By using the sources provided, examine whether the press is doing its diligence in keeping taxpayers and voters well-informed, or has the press become enslaved by chasing the story ‘that’ll sell’.



Assigned Sources: Barbara McLintock “Cancerous Journalism”; Andrea Bellemare “The Real Fake News”; Neil MacDonald Reporters Are ‘Used’ All the Time

Secondary Sources: “Truth and Story” (reading)

Context for Journal Question: With its Freedom of the Press Act of 1766, Sweden was the first country to adopt freedom of the press into its Constitution. Since 1766, myriad governments have included freedom of the press in their governing laws.

The responsibility of the press is two-fold: (A) to notify the public of what is being discussed in political and economic circles and the context of those conversations; (B) to foster discussion and debate around political, social, and economic issues so that any changes made to policy or actions taken by the governing body could not pass un-noticed by the public. In short, the purpose of the press is to act as an impartial conduit or liaison between the public and elected officials. The media’s role is not to tell people what to think.

Journal Question:

By using the sources provided, examine whether the press is doing its diligence in keeping taxpayers and voters well-informed, or has the press become enslaved by chasing the story ‘that’ll sell’.

Does the press answer to the people, or does it waive its responsibility and function as a mouthpiece for banks, billionaires, corporations, and celebrity (or those seeking celebrity)?

Remember to cite appropriately in APA. See the APA Guide on Moodle.

Word process three to five paragraphs (introduction, body, conclusion) in 12pt. Times New Roman with 1.5 spacing. (Assignments submitted in formats that have not been approved will not be evaluated.)

400-500 words

Paste your response as a Word document here. Be sure to include your first and last name at the end of your journal.

Note that the word ‘press’ has been used deliberately in its repetitiveness; that is, the repetition serves a purpose. No word or phrase has been used as a synonym for ‘press’ or ‘free press’, or ‘freedom of press’. This is because the question does not relate to media in general but to those news agencies that are accountable for reporting facts – not bias and speculation.

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