With reference to decided cases, illustrate how the UK has sought to achieve this objective and also when the state has thought it acceptable to curtail such rights.

LAW5005-B Human Rights 2020-21 supplementary assessment

Submit your assignment electronically through Turnitin in Canvas – failure to submit, or late submissions without an authorised extension will be considered as non-submission and you will receive a mark of zero.

Your assignment will be checked for plagiarism. For full submission details see the submission guidelines in the assignment section on Canvas note that you should keep a copy of your assignment for your records. Word limit 3,500 Weighting – 100% of the total marks for the moduleAnswer all questions and note the weightings.

Your answer will be marked in accordance with the law assessment criteria attached & available in the module handbookThis assessment is comprised of TWO questions. BOTH must be answered and BOTH are marked equally. This means that the answers should be of approximately equal length.Note that your answers should set out the relevant legal principles SUPPORTED BY RELEVANT PROVISIONS AND CASES
Question 1
The rights guaranteed under Art 5 and Art 11 are crucial in a free and democratic society. With reference to decided cases, illustrate how the UK has sought to achieve this objective and also when the state has thought it acceptable to curtail such rights. This should pay particular attention to the relationship between the two Convention rights. (note that your answer should be confined to the UK)
Question 2
Locate the following case: Campbell v MGN Ltd [2005] UKHL 61.

Critically evaluate the UK approach to protecting the ECHR rights discussed the above case and the reasoning employed by court in reaching its decision. Your answer should include a brief outline of the facts of the case, together with an explanation of the scope and meaning of the relevant Convention rights and make use of appropriate case law, both domestic and from the ECtHR. In particular, you should demonstrate how this decision represented a development in the law.

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