In particular, how are the issues you see being addressed in this specific passage representative of a themethat isbeing explored in the whole story?Explain

Science Fiction Essay 1 (20%)

General Instructions

Select ONE of the passages below. The assignment is an analysis of how the passage connects to what you critically perceive as a themeof the whole story.

In particular, how are the issues you see being addressed in this specific passage representative of a theme that isbeing explored in the whole story? In addition, be careful you do not simply re-tell the events leading up to the passage; rather, analyze how the scene is a key element for a thematic concern the narrative is exploring on a larger scale.



“For it had been hard to imagine a living organism based upon ammonia and hydrogen rather than upon water and oxygen, hard to believe that such a form of life could know the same quick thrill of life that humankind could know. Hard to conceive of life out in the soupy maelstrom that was Jupiter, not knowing, of course, that through Jovian eyes it was no soupy maelstrom at all”

b)“Super-Toys Last All Summer Long”

“In Mrs. Swinton’s garden, it was always summer. The lovely almond trees stood about it in perpetual leaf. Monica Swinton plucked a saffron-colored rose and showed it to David. “Isn’t it lovely?” she said.David looked up at her and grinned without replying. Seizing the flower, he ranwith it across the lawn and disappeared behind the kennel where the mowervator crouched, ready to cut or sweep or roll when the moment dictated. She stoodalone on her impeccable plastic gravel path”

c)“The Time Machine”

“So, in the end, above ground you must have the Haves, pursuing pleasure and comfort and beauty,and below ground the Have-nots, the Workers getting continually adapted tothe conditions of their labour. Once they were there, they would no doubt have to pay rent, and not a little of it, for the ventilation of their caverns; and if they refused, theywould starve or be suffocated for arrears. Such of them as wereso constituted as to be miserable and rebellious would die; and, in the end, thebalance being permanent, the survivors would become as well adapted to theconditions of underground life, and as happy in their way, as the Upperworld people were to theirs”

Submission Requirements Format:

•Word length: 500words

•Word processed, double spaced, and composed in proper sentences and paragraphs(5-8 sentences each).

Remember to indent the first sentenceof eachparagraph

•Margins: 1” for top, bottom, left, and right.Font: Arial or Times New Roman Size: 12

•In terms of structure, your essay should have the following:

•1) Introduction:

Introduce your topic and clearly state your own main argument.Your argument(or thesis)should be focused on the idea of theme.

•2) Body Paragraphs (no set number):

each body paragraph must have a clear topic sentencethat introduces a sub-argument ; textual evidence (a quotation) fromthe text that is properly introduced, explained, and cited; a clear explanationof how thisquotationsupportsyour sub-argumentand your wider thesis statement.

•3) Conclusion:

Briefly restate your main argument and show how you have proved it through your sub-arguments and interpretation of both stores.

•4) A separate Works Cited.

The first page of the essay should be in correct MLA format (no title page), and the essay must contain in-text citationsfor quoting and paraphrasing(no footnotes).

For more information:

•Word Document Format (.docx)

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