Based on the relevant lecture(s) and assigned reading, discuss an example (or two) from your life about your experience (or that of someone you know) with what Althusser refers to as the “ideological state apparatuses” and/or the “repressive state apparatus.”

Cite BOTH the LECTURE and the assigned READING ONLY in order to be eligible for up to full credit.

Based on the relevant lecture(s) and assigned reading, discuss an example (or two) from your life about your experience (or that of someone you know) with what Althusser refers to as the “ideological state apparatuses” and/or the “repressive state apparatus.”

You can receive full credit by only discussing one example of either. You need not cover both concepts. You do need to show that you understand the Althusserian concept(s) you discuss.

Based on the relevant lectures and assigned reading for Week 5, take a clear position on your chosen question. No “fence-sitting.”

Provide as much support for your position and claims as possible. This also means explaining how the evidence you present supports your claim. Evidence/support rarely, if ever, “speaks for itself.”

Make sure that all references to the assigned reading include page numbers [e.g., (Smith, pg. 15).] and all references to the lecture are cited by the week of the lecture and the title of the slide being referenced [e.g., (Lecture, Week 1, “What is Fascism?”).].

Citations should be placed at the end of the relevant sentence(s), prior to the final punctuation. If you include mentions of current events, news stories, or historical events, provide proper citations for those as well. Use in-text/parenthetical citations, not footnotes or endnotes, for all citations.

Remember, you need to include citations for all references to words AND ideas that are not your own, regardless of whether you are quoting directly or not.).





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