To what degree where you able to develop effective search terms and search strategies? How did your search terms and search strategies evolve over the course of your research?

Presentation Discussion

First Post
Part 1

At the beginning of your post, list the following pieces of information in writing:

Your approved research question from your Research Proposal and Background Research assignment (or your most recent approved research question if you revised it while doing in-depth research).

Then, in a paragraph of approximately 150-200 words, or about 1-2 minutes of speaking if you are making a recording, provide evidence and reflect on your research topic by answering the following questions:

How has your understanding of your topic evolved as a result of your research in this course?

What evidence did you find that led you to the conclusion presented in your thesis statement? Use at least three specific examples from different sources.

Is there anything else you would like to say about your topic?

Part 2

In another paragraph of an additional 150-200 words, or an additional 1-2 minutes of speaking if you are making a recording, reflect on your research process by answering at least three of the following sets of questions:

What were the easiest and the most difficult parts of your research for this class? Why?

To what degree where you able to develop effective search terms and search strategies? How did your search terms and search strategies evolve over the course of your research?

How did our exploration of bias affect your research process, your process of evaluating sources, and/or the sources you chose?

Now that you have done this research do you feel more confident using library catalogs and databases, and internet search tools, for research? Why or why not?

What search tips or strategies did you learn in this class that you can use in other areas of your life?

Is there anything else you would like to say about your research process?

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