Prepare a written reflection of a practice experience or case that was discussed in one of the clinical supervision groups. (

Reflection on a bad communication and interpersonal skill

A written reflection of a practice experience or case that was discussed in one of the clinical supervision groups. (2000 words)

Learning Outcomes

The learning outcomes that should be addressed by this assignment are :

1. Demonstrate a critical awareness of the professional and leadership relevance of group clinical supervision.

2. Identify and critically discuss the main themes that emerged from a case discussed in Adult Group Clinical Supervision and relate these to promoting and developing resilience in care provision.

3. Analyse aspects of their own learning and developing ability to reflect and be reflexive through the process of group clinical supervision.

Reflection is an important and powerful strategy for you to use to develop your professional practice. It enables the linking of practice experience with theoretical aspects of learning to help you to develop, moving from novice to skilled practitioner. Reflection should enhance self-awareness, identifying personal strengths and the areas to focus on for development.

Theory helps to direct that new learning by providing relevant knowledge. Critically viewing both ourselves and new knowledge is very important.

Consider the knowledge that you have acquired, the skills you have developed and feelings you have about different situations that you have encountered and about your own development.

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