Pick 1 of the topics below from the provisional agenda. Discuss what the country you chose thinks NATO should do (or what action NATO should take) regarding the issue important to the country.

Pick 1 of the topics below from the provisional agenda. Offer your chosen NATO country’s view on the topic , and then offer that country’s geopolitical strategy on how it would suggest NATO deal with this issue/topic. You will discuss what the country you chose thinks NATO should do (or what action NATO should take) regarding the issue important to the country.

You can pick one major point and one sub point for a more in-depth analysis, which is recommended in this case. You may, however, also pick one major point and multiple subpoints for a more concise analysis, as long as it is clear and addresses the essentials.

Provisional Agenda

North Atlantic Council

Shaping the Future: Delivering Security in the Twenty-First Century
Current NATO Operations
Potential Operations
Partnerships: Keeping a Global Perspective
Afghanistan – Strategic Plan Post 2014
Capability Improvement: Smart Defense
Missile Defense Cooperation with Russia
Or you may pick a topic of geostrategic interest that relates to NATO; you could pick a topic included in the NATO parliamentary assembly webpage (see Resources below).
Political Affairs Committee

NATO Enlargement.
NATO – EU Relations
NATO – RUSSIA Relations
Enhancing Partnerships – Existing PFP nations and strategic global partners
Afghanistan – Strategic Plan Post 2014
Emerging Security Challenges: Energy Security; Cyber Security – Water Security
NATO’s approach to a rapidly changing Middle East and North Africa
Defense Planning Committee

Afghanistan – Strategic Plan Post 2014
NATO – EU Relations and Operations
Permanent Structure for Relations
Access to NATO Planning and NATO Capabilities
Stability and Reconstruction Issues
New Member Integration
Defense Spending
Smart Defense
NATO Common Funding
Nuclear Planning Group

Non-Proliferation of WMD and Security of Materials
Nuclear Threats
Theatre Missile Defense (TMD) capability
Missile Defense for the Protection of NATO Territory
TMD Cooperation with Russia
Impact of New Start and UK/France Nuclear Weapon Reductions
Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC)

Balkans – Kosovo
Mediterranean – Active Endeavor — You can discuss issues related to the Mediterranean Dialogue, which forms the basis of NATO’s relations with its Mediterranean partners including Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Mauritania, Morocco, and Tunisia.
Afghanistan – Strategic Plan Post 2014
NATO Training Mission – Iraq
Istanbul Cooperation Initiative – the Gulf states: Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, or the United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Other Potential Operations (see Resources below)
Discussion Resources

NATO parliamentary assembly webpage (Links to an external site.)
Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC) (Links to an external site.)
Other Potential Operations

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