What advice would you provide the CEO of the company? Consider in your advice – Should the CEO respond or not to the blog? Why or why not?  And if so, what should blog say?

Discussion Topic : Employee Comments on a Public Blog


You have learned that an employee is writing a publicly-accessible blog. The employee is using their own name, and the name of the company. In the blog the employee makes accurate and humorous comments on fellow employees – who you easily recognize from the descriptions.  Some of these comments are unflattering.

Address the following questions:

1. What advice would you provide the CEO of the company? Consider in your advice – Should the CEO respond or not to the blog? Why or why not?  And if so, what should blog say?

2. What actions, if any, should our CEO take against the blogger?

3. What specific actions should the company take to protect its brand?

4. Pick a specific state law and is it applicable and if so why and if not, why not?
Use a minimum of two HR/legal references to support your conclusions.

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