Prepare an inclusive report for the senior management of the company addressing those concerns:Discuss and analyse different communication barriers experienced by foreign businesses in the selected country supported by different examples when relevant.

International business communications


A UK based company is considering to move its own production to another location in a developing country (A developing country of your choice). However, the company is concerned about the differences in cultural expectations and differences in cultural sensitivity from a country to another.

Therefore, as an international business communications consultant you have been tasked to prepare an inclusive report for the senior management of the company addressing those concerns highlighting the following:

– An inclusive introduction to the context of international business and communications.

– Brief introduction to the selected developing country (A Developing country of your choice).

– Application of theories of international and intercultural communication on the selected
context/Country (Hofstede, Samovar, Jandt etc.)

– Critical evaluation of cultural sensitivity when doing business in the selected country supported by relevant examples.

– Discuss and analyse different communication barriers experienced by foreign businesses in the selected country supported by different examples when relevant.

– Provide appropriate communication strategies and other relevant recommendations to enable the company to succeed in the selected developing country.

– Conclude your report.

Word Count: 2500 words (individual submission)

Suggested structure for the report:


10% + or – An inclusive introduction to the context of international business and communications. Also try to tell us what you are going to include in the report. You can focus a little bit on production challenges in different countries. (Some introductory ideas/discussions). 300 words

Introduction to the developing country selected

Brief introduction to the selected developing country (A Developing country of your choice). General overview in relation to the country such as population, culture, language, economy, technology advancements, workforce and unemployment….etc. Around 500 words.

Cultural differences

Application of theories of international and intercultural communication on the selected context/Country (Hofstede cultural dimensions as a comparison between the UK and the selected country). Around 400 words.

Cultural sensitivity

Critical evaluation of cultural sensitivity when doing business in the selected country supported by relevant examples. 300 – 400 words.
Communication barriers and challenges (UK VS ….)

Discuss and analyse different communication barriers experienced by foreign businesses in the selected country supported by different examples when relevant. 300 – 400 words

Communication strategies and recommendations

Provide appropriate communication strategies and other relevant recommendations to enable the company to succeed in the selected developing country. 300 – 500 words.


Try to summarise what you have discussed above. No new ideas or citations. Highlight the main findings of your report.
200 – 300 words

Reference list


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