Describe and analyse the process of a patient’s journey through a period of time.

Describe and analyse the process of a patient’s journey through a period of time. It can be described as a patient’s pathway


Assignment Guidance

Your assignment for this module is a 3,500 word ‘Case Study’. The assignment requires you to describe and analyse the process of a patient’s journey through a period of time. It can be described as following a particular patients’ pathway. It needs to show a patient focussed approach.

Section A: Provide an introduction to the case study by identifying your patient and their underlining presentation. This should include an outline of the patient’s condition which is fully supported. Provide a brief and critical overview of the approach (process mapping) adopted for the case study. Approx. 1,000 words

Section B: Analysis of the patient journey using literature to support the process. This account needs to show a patient focussed approach and critical consideration of the issues emerging. Approx. 2,000 words

Section C: Conclude & provide recommendations for future practice that are explicitly linked to the lessons learnt from the case study and the patient’s journey. Approx. 500 words

Section D: Produce a process map- This MUST be included as an appendix to your work

This is worth 10% of your submission and must be submitted electronically.

Your case study should be fully referenced using the Harvard referencing system.

Level 6 writing so must include critical writing throughout as well at patient centred care approach.


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