Can trait anxiety predict cognitive failures?Explain


Assessment Criteria

This coursework allows you, and indeed asks you, to explore theories, concepts and ideas in depth. An element of critical thinking is to bring together information and ideas from different topics, approaches, and theories and this is appreciated in your attempt to complete this coursework.

The criteria used in marking your coursework are available in this document, as well as the marking rubric, which is attached to your submission box. You can also find the University General Assessment Criteria in the Psychology Programme Handbook 2020- 2021.

You will be provided with timely feedback within one month of the submission of your coursework.

Basic Information


Word limit. 1500 words (+/-10%), excluding the References and Supplementary Materials sections.

Abstract word limit. 100 words (included in the overall word limit above).

Topic/research area. The relationship between anxiety and cognitive failures. The main aim was to replicate previous findings that found an association between these two variables

Research questions:

Can trait anxiety predict cognitive failures?


Background reading:

Topic of the Correlation/Regression report (week 8S lecture slides)

Data. If you have a resit, you must download and analyse the data set found on Resit submission area on your own Moodle site .
If you deferral you analyse the data file called Raw data Correlation/Regression 2021 (under week 8S or under the assessment and submission area). You must analyse the data set by yourself.

Participants. First year undergraduate psychology students at the University of Roehampton. You should assume that they were naïve to the aims of the research. Demographic details about participants (i.e. sample size, age, gender) can be extracted from your unique data set file.

Data coding. Males are coded as ‘1’ and females as ‘2’ in the data file.

Analyses. Correlation and simple linear regression. Note that you will automatically
fail the report if the statistical analysis is incomplete (e.g., if either correlation or regression has been omitted).

Plagiarism. The report is to be written individually and each one will be checked for plagiarism both electronically and by the markers, moderator, and Departmental Plagiarism Officer.

Submission. Submit via Turnitin on the Research Methods and Statistics 1 (PSY020C162S) Moodle page (Correlation/Regression Report).

Contribution to overall grade. Refer to the Research Methods and Statistics 1 Module Handbook.


Materials and Stimuli.

During the workshops of Week 6S, you completed some questionnaires on Qualtrics.

This report only concerns two questionnaires used:

Trait Anxiety scale (STAI)
Reverse score items: 1,3,6,7,10,13,16,19

Spielberger, C. D., Gorsuch, R. L., Lushene, R., Vagg, P. R., & Jacobs, G. A. (1983). Manual for the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press.

Cognitive Failure Questionnaire (CFQ)
25 items

Broadbent, D.E., Cooper, P.F., FitzGerald, P., & Parkes, K.R. (1982). The Cognitive Failures Questionnaire (CFQ) and its correlates. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 21, 1-16.

You only need to mention these two questionnaires and you can completely ignore the others for the purposes of this report.

Full questionnaires with answer scales can be found in Moodle (week 8S), in the lecture on Topic of the Correlation/Regression Report (Week 8S) or in the relevant journal articles.

Males are coded as ‘1’ and females as ‘2’ in the data file.

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