Develop concepts included in an organizing framework for an institution, (b) discuss the relationship between the concepts, (c) develop program outcomes, and (d) demonstrate skills in the development and articulation of ideas in a scholarly manner.

Organizing Framework and Program Outcomes Guidelines
The purpose of this assignment is to (a) develop concepts included in an organizing framework for an institution, (b) discuss the relationship between the concepts, (c) develop program outcomes, and (d) demonstrate skills in the development and articulation of ideas in a scholarly manner.

Total Points Possible: 230


Assignment Criteria for the Paper
1. A brief introduction on the concepts selected for the framework is included.
2. The concepts in the framework are clearly defined. The concepts included in the metaparadigm of nursing (person, nursing, health, and environment) must be included.
3. The relationship between the concepts is demonstrated.
4. Develop program outcomes for your institution that incorporate the following.
a. Program outcomes should be described as characteristics expected of graduates by the end of the program
b. Program outcomes are based on either the AACN Essentials of Baccalaureate Education OR the NLN Competencies for graduates of Associate Degree Programs OR the current The Joint Commission Hospital National Patient Safety Goals
5. Changes to the initial framework concepts and program outcomes are identified, based on peer collaboration.
6. A conclusion to the paper is required.
7. A minimum of three scholarly references is required.
8. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing and APA format as expressed in the current edition.

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