In a two-section paper titled “My Self-Care Plan” create six headings using the six categories of Cognitive, Behavioral, Affective, Physical, Social, and Spiritual.

In a two-section paper titled “My Self-Care Plan” create six headings using the six categories of Cognitive, Behavioral, Affective, Physical, Social, and Spiritual.

The first section will have the first 5 categories (Cognitive, Behavioral, Affective, Physical, Social) outlined with bullets as a personal self-care and stress management plan that would help you (personally, not generally) avoid burnout, compassion fatigue, and ministry stagnation. Utilize the materials used throughout the course to help support your thoughts and ideas. Do not only think of what you can/should do but also think of things that you could/should cease doing.


The second section of the APA-style formatted paper will incorporate Forgiveness under the Spiritual category. Consider the idea of forgiveness and how you may implement it as part of your self-care plan. When considering the idea of forgiveness, many perceive this as something that takes time particularly if there had been a series of events that led to a crisis moment such as a crisis of faith (just to name one example).

As part of the healing process showing empathy as noted in the above models may be helpful. Consider when Christ was on the cross during that crisis, he showed compassion for others asking God on the behalf of others to forgive them.

The Spiritual category should be the longest as it will incorporate forgiveness concepts. This should be a paper of 4 pages of content (depending on your academic level) plus your APA-formatted title and reference pages.

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