Prepare a 3500 word essay evaluating/ critiquing a part of an organisation you work in now, or one you have worked for in the past.

Reflective Essay
Your second assignment is a 3500 word essay evaluating/ critiquing a part of an organisation you work in now, or one you have worked for in the past.

You can choose one of the following topic areas:

1. Leadership
2. Management
3. Culture
4. Strategy

Examples of past assignments have included:

• ‘A critique/ evaluation of school X’s culture following academisation’
• ‘A critical evaluation of an FE College’s organisational structures and impact on
distributed leadership’
• ‘The construction and implementation of a new appraisal policy at a GFE College, using
a three stage model of analysis’
• ‘The implications of culture and instructional leadership in XYZ International School’
• ‘A critical review of ‘Strategic Plan 2016-2021’ at College W’

Structure of the essay

An effective reflective essay needs to include the following:

1. Title page with your student number, title, word count

2. Abstract (optional)

3. Short contents page

4. Introduction

5. Main section – including sub-headings for sections

6. Reference list (not included in word count) using APA guidelines
Within the introduction, it is expected that:

• There should be a short introduction of the educational establishment that you are
discussing and the broad context as to the topic/ factor you are investigating
Within the main section, it is expected that there is:

• A literature review of the topic area/ factor (this can be a standalone section or
embedded in the critical review discussion)

• Contextualisation of the topic/ factor to the establishment in question

• A critical review of the establishment’s current practices, in a balanced manner

• A conclusion with future recommendations and actions (for your establishment)

• All of the above is informed by current research literature

• The essay can be split into sections, divided with sub-headings where appropriate

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