Reflect on the implications of your findings, compare them with the secondary literature, and propose what further research might be done.

Quantitative Political Science

Empirical Analysis Essay

This assignment consists of a research paper (maximum 3,000 words) that addresses the question of how social media influenced voters in the 2020 U.S.  Presidential Election.

You will use SPSS to conduct an original empirical analysis using data from the 2020 Social Media Study. A link to the datafile will be provided in page 2.

The paper should include the following (Use this as your structure):
Introduction 600
(1) Consider an explanation for how social media influenced voters in the 2020
U.S. Presidential Election based on a brief literature review.
(2) Specify a main hypothesis and identify and discuss at least one rival hypothesis. The rival hypothesis should have the same dependent variable as the main hypothesis but a different independent variable.

Research Methods 900

(1) Describe the data source
(2) Identify the dependent and independent variables and explain how they are measured.
(3) Evaluate the measures in terms of their reliability and validity.
(4) Report how the dependent variable is distributed in a figure.

Findings 900
(1) Select an appropriate method for testing the main hypothesis and explain why the method was chosen.

(2) Explain whether the null hypothesis has been rejected using the appropriate statistic.

(3) If the null hypothesis has been rejected, summarise the strength of the relationship using an appropriate measure of association and discuss the findings.

(4) Do the same for the rival hypothesis and explain whether it has (or has not) been ruled out by using it as a control variable.

(5) Report the findings from the analysis in a series of tables and/or figures that were produced from the SPSS output.

Conclusions 600

(1) Reflect on the implications of your findings, compare them with the secondary literature, and propose what further research might be done.

(2) Include a full list of references.

(3) Attach the original SPSS output to the end.

Report the total word count on the title page and use double spacing with 12 point font and
one inch margins.

Make sure you take the following criteria into consideration when writing this order:
• Indications of capability in computer aided analysis of quantitative data
• Understanding of statistical and quantitative techniques;
• Ability to relate data analysis results to findings in the secondary literature;
• Ability to clearly present results in tables and figures;
• Structure, style, referencing, grammar and spelling.

Use this dataset
You MUST use the following dataset for this order:

2020 Social Media Study


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