Why would group treatment be appropriate for this issue and/or population? What is the theoretical underpinning to the group approach (Humanistic? Behavioral?) and why is it important for your particular population and problem?Explain


Group therapy


For this discussion board, each student is responsible to submit an idea for population-focused group therapy.

Your Wheeler (2021) text, Chapter 12 has an excellent case example, and you can also see Kaplan & Sadock (2015), Chapter 28, section 3 for more information on group therapy.

1) Significance of the problem: (2 points)

In a few sentences briefly state why this group needs to be offered. Give the significance of the problem being addressed, including at least one reference from the literature. You may choose any theoretical orientation (including postmodern approaches not fully covered in class but assigned in Corey, such as narrative therapy). Be creative and think outside the box -we are not examining the feasibility here but applying our knowledge and expanding our awareness of possibilities. For example, you may wish to hold a social skills training for children with autism aged 8-11 using video games and/or neurofeedback, behavioral orientation.

Guiding questions:

Why would group treatment be appropriate for this issue and/or population? What is the theoretical underpinning to the group approach (Humanistic? Behavioral?) and why is it important for your particular population and problem?

2) Group Purpose and Expected Outcomes:

State the purpose for the group succinctly and give two expected outcomes for the proposed group (bullet points): (2 points)

3) Description of the Group Structure (bullet points): (2 points)

State the structure, membership, location, time, and duration (# weeks/sessions). Include, in bullet points: “who, what, when, where, and with” and the cost (accepting insurance, cash, or donation payments).


Is the heterogeneous or homogenous relative to gender and clinical diagnoses? What is the structure of the group (closed, open)? What is the number of group members and the number of group leaders? How will members be identified, screened, included? (for example, consider if you would include a child with mania or psychosis in a bibliotherapy- therapeutic storytelling- group?) Are participants able to work on individual issues, interpersonal issues, or only group issues? Is the group remote or in-person?

4) Therapeutic Procedures and Techniques:

(2 points) Identify the therapeutic techniques/activities used with the proposed group. Briefly describe the elements of your therapeutic intervention in one or two sentences. For example, creative arts expression project with the use of phototherapy; social skills training with CBT tools, etc.

5) Evaluation:

(1 point) Simply state how you will ascertain if your group has been effective (refer to your expected outcomes). You can choose an already established (valid and reliable) patient satisfaction survey or evaluation tool if you wish (for example, if your group is geared towards females aged 13-16 with depression, you could consider using the adolescent version of the PHQ-9). Simply name the tool and please attach if you have it. If you do not have a tool that can measure the outcome, remember you can simply say that you will administer a brief survey for your participants to evaluate the efficacy.


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