Is the study multiculturally sophisticated? Why or why not? What recommendations would improve this element of the study?Explain

Article Critique


Research Article Critique –I. Read the Field, Beeson, Luke, and Ghoston (2019) article

II. Following the prompts below, dissect the article for each piece of information:

1. What is the purpose of the article?

2. What is the rationale for the article purpose?

3. What is/are the study hypothesis/es? Also identify the IV(s) and DV(s)

4. Instruments/surveys used

5. Research Design

a. Quantitative or Qualitative

b. Laboratory or Observational?

c. Experimental or Descriptive?

d. Any mediators? Any moderators? 6. Results 7. Any threats to validity (statistical, internal, external, or construct)?

III. Following the prompts below, consider the following clinical questions:

1. Is the study multiculturally sophisticated? Why or why not? What recommendations would improve this element of the study?

2. How do these findings inform clinical practice?

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