Select 2 recent salient state interventions from any one of the given countries below and discuss their implications on foreign/local firms and how foreign firms can potentially mitigate (or benefit from) the challenges (opportunities) posed by these two state interventions.

Individual Essay

Your essay should address the following topic and should be about 1,000 (±10%) words.

Essay topic:

Select 2 recent salient state interventions from any one of the given countries below and discuss their implications on foreign/local firms and how foreign firms can potentially mitigate (or benefit from) the challenges (opportunities) posed by these two state interventions.

List of countries: Indonesia, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Vietnam

Notes on the Essay

First, you need to examine the latest state acts of the selected country (you can find this information from the Global Trade Alert website: and select 2 salient (important/impactful) state interventions imposed by that country (imposed after 2017).

In this essay, you need to discuss the implications of these 2 state interventions on foreign/local firms and how foreign firms can potentially mitigate (or benefit from) the challenges (opportunities) posed by these state interventions. Foreign firms here refer to both foreign firms within the country and the firms outside the country (e.g. foreign firms that export to the selected country).

The word count (1,000 words (±10%)) does not include tables, figures, footnotes/endnotes and references.


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