Using R, calculate the summary statistics (minimum, maximum, mean, median, and standard deviation) and create a histogram of sale price for this dataset. Describe the summary and shape of the distribution of sale price.

Portfolio Milestone MIS470 4


Read the final Portfolio Project in Module 8. You will need to choose one of the two options. If you choose to do Portfolio Project Milestone Option #1 then you need to complete the same option in Module 8. Download the dataset (Links to an external site.). This dataset contains 25 quantitative explanatory variables describing many aspects of residential homes in Ames, IA. The response variable is the sale price. More description is available from

(Links to an external site.)

Using R, calculate the summary statistics (minimum, maximum, mean, median, and standard deviation) and create a histogram of sale price for this dataset. Describe the summary and shape of the distribution of sale price.

Copy and paste all the R output for summary statistics and histogram into a Word document. If you take a screenshot, make sure that it shows the current date. Submit the file in Canvas for grading.


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