Using relevant models from 3 (three) concepts covered in the module,  analyse the company’s or organisation’s strategy.Evaluate the efficacy of this strategy together with considering whether any changes to this strategy are needed.

Company Strategy Analysis and Evaluation


Company Strategy Analysis and Evaluation (Summative) You must complete a 1,500 words (± 10%) written analysis and evaluation of a company’s or organisation’s strategy, chosen from the list of companies/organisations below.

Using relevant models from 3 (three) concepts covered in the module,  analyse the company’s or organisation’s strategy.

You will also need to evaluate the efficacy of this strategy together with considering whether any changes to this strategy are needed. Suitable and credible academic and industry literature MUST be used to support your analysis and evaluation. The completion of tasks 1 and 2 will help in the completion of this summative task. The assessment feedback rubric detailed in the tables 5 & 6 below will be used to assess the task 3 assessment.

Companies/Organisations Select one company/organisation from those listed below which will form the basis of your work for tasks 2 and 3 of the PORT1 portfolio assessment.

• Aldi • Amazon • Apple • Renault • Ryanair • Tesla • Tesco • Sainsbury • Microsoft • Lego • Virgin • Marks & Spencer

Criteria Description

Weighting 30% Task 3 Analysis Correct use and application of relevant strategic management models, theories and concepts, evidencing depth in understanding, knowledge and analysis. Task  Evaluation Ability to consider and critically appraise the choice and efficacy of a company’s/organisation’s strategy together with an evaluation and critique of supporting literature and theory. 25%

Task  Literature

Use and application of a wide range of relevant and credible academic and industry literature supported by correctly formatted in-text citations and reference list entries using Harvard Referencing. 25%

Task  Communications

Presentation of work, academic writing style, coherence, clarity and proofing. 10% Portfolio Formative and summative tasks completed and uploaded to Moodie 10%

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