Select a contemporary leader  and perform a comprehensive analysis of their leadership by summarizing the major points of their experience and what theories used, concepts covered/addressed, and the problems facing the person/organization.

Responsible Business

ASSIGNMENT: Since Covid-19 prohibits students from volunteering in a service-learning leadership project typical for this class, the following alternative assignment has been created.

Select a contemporary leader  and perform a comprehensive analysis of their leadership by summarizing the major points of their experience and what theories used, concepts covered/addressed, and the problems facing the person/organization.

Student will augment their findings with at least 8 other references other than your textbook or other editions by the same authors. Slides should contain the presentation bullets – details on those bullets and citations, etc. should be included in the notes section (lower part of the slides). Students will identify aspects where they agreed and disagreed with the authors of external researched articles in the conclusion section.

The individual you select can be a corporate CEO/manager, non-profit organization leader, government or health organization leader, etc. Whoever you select, ensure that the individual is well analyzed and written about as you will be utilizing those external articles in your project and analysis.

Each PPT report must include the following (10-15 slides):

Structure of the PowerPoint:

1. Introduction – Your Name, Individual you selected for this project, and WHY.

2. Information about your leader. What were critical decisions, what was going on around them, etc.

3. Concept/Theory Connection: relate your readings and observations to different leadership concepts/theories . Include one slide on lessons learned from this leader and his/her leadership style. Augment your findings with research which shows how the different theories work/do not work in various situations.

At least 8 research sources outside of the textbook must be used to earn more points than “Average” . You are encouraged to use peer reviewed journals, magazine articles, and other popular press material other than textbooks.

4.Students will identify aspects where they agreed and disagreed with the authors of the external articles in the conclusion section

5. References – From the research, please include one SLIDE FOR ALL REFERENCES in APA style. After your PowerPoint is posted, you are required to comment on three of your classmates’ presentations citing what they did well and suggestions for improvement.

Geoffery Canada

CEO, Harlem Children’s Zone

Dissatisfied with the results of most organizations helping the urban poor in the mid-1990s, Canada launched an experiment, an effort to reach all the kids in a 24-block zone of New York City — he called it the Harlem Children’s Zone — and give them education, social, and medical help starting at birth. The idea was to make success a self-reinforcing phenomenon, as children and their families saw it all around them and recalibrated their expectations. The experiment has worked spectacularly. The zone now covers over 100 blocks and serves more than 12,000 children, with 95% of high school seniors going off to college. Canada plans to step down as CEO later this year, but his idea — and leadership here — will no doubt endure.

Why I chose Geoffery Canada?
Visionary educational leader helping the African American community of Harlem, New York. His program is very successful for the graduations and educational success of many afericna American children.

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