Produce a professional 4-page proposal of your database strategy, which will address: What core information you feel Argos should collect from their consumers; What channels they should use to collect this information.


The Digital Customer Journey: Data, Profiling and CRM

Instructions on Assessment:

This assessment is based on the retailer Argos.

This organisation has the following characteristics which make it suitable for customer journey analysis in this module:

They operate across both online and offline channels (i.e. they are a multi-channel business)
They are from an industry where there is a good amount of market data available (e.g. there are reports accessible via places such as MINTEL etc.);
Their product offering can be broken down into various categories;
You may have some personal experience of this product category (if not, try and visit one of their stores).

We suggest engaging in further research on the case company online at the earliest opportunity.

You will be required to focus your work on a specific target market who may shop at Argos and a specific product category within their wider offering.

Task 2: Portfolio

Completed: Individually
Date: End of semester assessment period
Word Count: 2,000 plus other documentation (as broken down below)
Marks: 75%

This task brings together the main themes of the module and requires you to build a portfolio of developed materials. The portfolio is comprised of three parts:

Part One: Infographic (15 marks)
You are required to produce an infographic which provides insights on:
Your chosen target market
Your chosen product category
You will use secondary research to develop a professional standard document which will provide both a detailed understanding of the customer and identify trends in the product category.

Part Two: Database Activity (30 marks)

Database Activity: You are required to produce a professional 4-page proposal of your database strategy, which will address:
What core information you feel Argos should collect from their consumers;
What channels they should use to collect this information;
Suggest how consumers could be segmented based upon this data;
Discuss how you would personalise messages to each segment.

Note: You do not need to utilise any software packages to compete the resit assessment work. These documents do not count towards the word count

Part Three: Critical Analysis of Theory (30 marks)
For this section you are required to select one of the below topics:

Online Consumer Behaviour
Customer Journey Mapping
Database Marketing

You are required to develop a 2,000 word discussion (broken into sections as appropriate) which demonstrates an understanding of your chosen topic and provides a critical discussion of theory in this area. This will be supported by a range of academic sources (largely journal articles and textbooks) but may be supplemented by more practical sources. You will conclude the discussion by identifying current trends in your chosen area which may be relevant to digital marketers.

Note: Part Three of the portfolio is subject to the stated 2,000 word count.

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