P repare a business case for a new kiosk your organization wants to implement.

Module 01 Assignment

Self-service terminals are gaining ground and are becoming very popular. Next time you go to a large retail store look around when you enter and see if you can identify any self-service terminals. Some examples would include Redbox kiosks, making a duplicate key and kiosks to sell your old smartphones.

This module your IT Director has come to you and has assigned you to prepare a business case for a new kiosk your organization wants to implement. It will be a kiosk that will print motor vehicle tabs and registration cards located at 24/7 locations.

Keep in mind the efficiencies you will be able to offer and the time you will be able to free up from the current counter personal that can be spent on other initiatives. The goal of a successful kiosk program is not to eliminate staff but may repurpose them into other much-needed roles. We are always faced with doing more with less and with technology like this it can be achieved.

To complete this assignment, create a 2-3 page business case that details the new kiosk program you recommend that includes:

Project Description
Business Need/Problem
Cost Benefit
Project Risks

Be sure to list the resources you used in your research at the end of the form, formatted according to APA standards.


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