Gender & Sexuality in Islam:Have women been whitewashed from Islamic History? Explain

Gender & Sexuality in Islam


Have women been whitewashed from Islamic History?

Short Essay

The word length is 1000 words and -10%/+10% is acceptable.

The required referencing style is Harvard in-text referencing. Font should be size 12 and can be either Times New Roman or Calibri . Look to use academic texts and avoid websites such as Wikipedia and non-academic websites about Islam.

A good rule of thumb is that if you cannot readily identify the veracity of a website or are unsure about the individual/group behind it, do not use it. With regards to the amount of references (and I don’t like quantifying it) I generally advocate one reference per 200 words as a guide.

Effectively, this means that for a 1000 word essay, one should look to have at least 5 academic references. Naturally, one can supplement these with media articles where relevant (recommended). But, of course, avoid simply using only media articles to support your argument. With regards to structure a good general guide is that the introduction and conclusion should constitute 10% of the essay each.

For a 1000 word essay this means that they should be around 100 words each, leaving 800 words for the body of the essay. For the body of the essay therefore aim to have 2-3 main points that you seek to address in relation to your chosen question. Also, use your introduction as a schema for the essay (i.e. tell the reader what you are going to do), this provides you with a map while writing and a guide for the reader.

Finally, look to simply reiterate your contention and supporting evidence in the conclusion and seek to avoid introducing new information.

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