Identify your theme here (remember, a theme must be a complete idea). What is the message that you want to communicate to your reader?Explain

Writing a Poem

Writing poetry is one of the most challenging undertakings in writing. Good poetry does more than just tell the reader something; it makes the reader feel something. Start thinking about this project now, but wait until you complete the “Figurative and Symbolic Meaning” to actually write your poem.

For this project, you will be creating a poem of at least 8 lines, identifying the poetic devices you used, and explaining the meter you chose.

Before you can write anything, you must first decide what you want to write about. Take some time before you begin composing your poem to consider your topic and what you want to say about your topic. Your poem must beat at least 8 lines long and have a message to communicate to readers; in other words, it needs a theme.

Once you know what you want to write about, begin to think about the different ways you can present your poem. Think about if you want to include end rhyme and how you want to use rhyme in your poem; don’t force rhyme into your poem, though. Many of the greatest poems ever written did not rhyme.

Also consider how you can use figures of speech like similes and metaphors to describe your topic to your reader. Make sure you carefully select your words to create vivid imagery for your reader.

Your poem must also include at least two poetic devices. Some poetic devices you studied in this unit include: personification, irony, metonymy, synecdoche, apostrophe, and hyperbole. There are many others that you may choose from, but be sure to show off the what you learned in this unit. You might also try using different sound effects, such as alliteration, onomatopoeia, or assonance. Keep in mind that you only have to use two poetic devices, but you may use more.

Your poem also must include a meter. For the purposes of this project, free verse and blank verse are not options. Push yourself, exercise those creative muscles, and give your poem a consistent verse that not only makes it sound catchy, but emphasizes your poem’s themes.

Identify your theme here (remember, a theme must be a complete idea). What is the message that you want to communicate to your reader?

Type your poem here (the space will expand as you type):

Identify your two poetic devices here. After each one, include an example from your poem that illustrates the poetic device, and then explain why you used it.

Identify your meter . Explain why you chose this meter and how you feel it helps communicate your poem’s message.

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