‘Digital culture has shaped everyday lives in significant ways.’ Discuss this statement with reference to games, and using theories from the key frame of identity’

Digital culture

Instructions for Assignment

Essay Question:

‘Digital culture has shaped everyday lives in significant ways.’ Discuss this statement with reference to games, and using theories from the key frame of identity’

• APA 7th Edition Referencing
• Must include in-text citations
• Must include the sources I have mentioned below as well as additional sources from your research

• Must include 15-20 references

These sources MUST be included in the essay (I’ve attached a pdf copy of each of these sources):

Taylor, T L. (2018). Twitch and the Work of Play. American Journal of Play, 11(1). 65-84
Jin, D Y. (2010). Professional Online Game Players as New Media Workers. Korea’s
Online gaming Empire. (81-100).

Calleja, G. 2010. Digital Games and Escapism. Games and Culture, 5(4), 334-353.

Marwick, A. E. (2012). Online identity. In J. Hartley, J. Burgess, & A. Bruns (Eds.), A
companion to new media dynamics

Reed, T. V. (2014). Is everybody equal online? Digitizing gender, ethnicity and dis/ability
in Digitized Lives: Culture, Power, and Social Change in the Internet Era.
Routledge. 53-81.

van Zoonen, L. (2013). From identity to identification: fixating the fragmented self.
Media, Culture & Society, 35(1), 44-51.

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