Wong heard that they have been holding meetings with other occupiers of Wong House to support Tom. Wong is worried that their organising will “spoil the atmosphere” and wants them out. Advise Wong.

Land Law


Wong owns and manages a large residential complex called “Wong House” in Southampton. He advertises basic en-suite rooms at “Wong House” for £150 per week. Occupiers are required to sign an occupancy agreement called a “Licence”. This provides the owner with the right to move the occupier to a different room for “management reasons” at 24 hours’ notice and the right to end the agreement with 48 hours’ notice. The agreement provides that the owner will provide services including cooked breakfast each morning and occupiers are able to book a cleaning service for their rooms as they please. In practice, there were no breakfasts as Wong has not had any kitchen staff over the past year. Tom has been staying at Wong House for over a year and has started complaining to Wong about damp in his room. Wong is getting tired of Tom’s “negative energy” and wants to get him out.

Wong also advertises two-bedroom apartments at Wong House for £500 per week. The same terms apply here except that Wong insists that any couples that stay there sign separate, but identical, “Licence Agreements” and it is a term of these agreements that the occupier share the apartment with any person the owner nominates. Olive, Grace and their 8 year old daughter, Julia, have been staying at one of the apartments for the last six months. Wong heard that they have been holding meetings with other occupiers of Wong House to support Tom. Wong is worried that their organising will “spoil the atmosphere” and wants them out.

Advise Wong.


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