Create a 15-20 slide presentation that promotes public health.Be sure to integrate the core disciplines within public health.

Public Health Education



1. Create a 15-20 slide presentation that promotes public health.

2. Be sure to integrate the core disciplines within public health.

3. Create a narration script in the notes section of your PowerPoint to develop a 30-60 minute presentation that will be uploaded to the Unit 8 Assignment Dropbox.


The presentation should be at least 15-20 slides in length.

Include a list of references in APA format, including the information used from the modules.


Topic selected promotes public health by demonstrating all of the following:

● Topic selected is educational.

● The topic addresses a healthcare issue or problem.

● The topic promotes public health.

● The topic is defined and specific.

● Topic is audience directed.Successfully integrateseach of the 5 core disciplines of public health by demonstrating all of the

● Each of the five core disciplines are addressed in the context of the presentation topic (vs. a general discussion of each

of the core disciplines).
● Each of the 5 disciplines is supported by one or more specific evidence-based examples.

● All opinions are supported by relevant and credible sources.

Successfully completes a 15-20 slide presentation, including all of the following criteria:

● Design and format are consistent.

● The presentation is visually appealing, audience directed, and includes visuals.

● A minimum of 13 content slides are provided (in addition to an introductory slide, and reference slide).

Presentation successfully meets the audio and length requirement, by demonstrating all of the following:

● Audio files are included for each slide.

● Presenter speaks clearly, and is articulate throughout the presentation.

● Presentation is cohesive, demonstrating a beginning, middle and an end.

● Presentation is audience focused and informative.

● Detailed speaker notes are included with each slide.

● Meets length requirements of 15- 20 slides.

● Cites sources, including pictures, using APA style.

● Includes in-text citations.

● Makes authorship clear when using quotation marks.

● Includes conclusion.

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