Summarise two articles and make a critical comment on each.

Information on assessment 2

EEC3003 Professional Contexts

Below are the instructions for your alternative assessment 2

Assessment 2—Summarise two articles and make a critical comment on each. Worth 35% 1,200 words

Article 1: Harms, P and Roebuck, D. 2009 ‘Teaching the art and craft of giving and receiving feedback.’
Article 2: Danielson, C.  Chapter 1 ‘Why Professional Conversation?’ In Talk about teaching! Leading Professional Conversations

Apart from the two articles that you will reference, you will need to draw on at least 3 sources to back up your comments that you need to find yourself. All sources must be peer reviewed.

For the assessment task you must use the Harvard referencing system correctly, which means in-text citations need page numbers.

You must write in essay form so, include an introduction, body paragraphs and a conclusion that sums up your points of argument. You must include a bibliography/reference list.

You must pay attention to your writing, ensuring that you spelling, grammar, sentence & paragraph structure are all in order.

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