In male ICU patients who are 65+ and older diagnosed with COPD (P), would the confusion assessment screening tool (CAST) (I) impact the number of early identification of delirium (O) compared to no screening tool (C) over 6 months (T)?

In male ICU patients who are 65+ and older diagnosed with COPD (P), would the confusion assessment screening tool (CAST) (I) impact the number of early identification of delirium (O) compared to no screening tool (C) over 6 months (T)?

Assignment Practice Scenario

Your Chief Nurse Executive (CNE) recognizes you are pursuing your BSN and has asked you to be a member of the nursing evidence-based practice (NEBP) committee. She has advised the members that the purpose is to conduct nursing research studies involving clinical practice problems.

Increasing nurses’ awareness of quality and safety concerns will help develop an attitude of inquiry and asking questions (Sherwood & Barnsteiner, 2017). Baccalaureate nurses “collaborate in problem identification, participate in the process of search, retrieval, and documentation of evidence, and integrate evidence using credible databases and internet resources” (AACN, 2008, pp. 16-17).

The CNE has advised all members of the following areas of quality and safety clinical practice that each committee member needs to consider and choose only one as a priority area for conducting a research study.

Sources of research problems come from nursing clinical practice (Houser, 2018):

Quality Safety
Patient satisfaction
Patient education Falls
Non-pharmacological pain management Errors. Examples include:
Patient identification
Length of stay
Costs Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs).

Examples include:

Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infections (CLABSI)
Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI)
Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP)
Surgical Site Infections (SSI)
Sepsis (Screening or Prevention)
Discharge Teaching/Coaching
Transitions of Care/Level of Care Pressure Ulcers
Skin Integrity

Your CNE has requested that you select ONLY one topic area and complete the PPE Worksheet using only one topic area. The committee will collaborate and decide as a team which nursing clinical problem area will be the priority focus of their next research study.

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