Based on either a complex situation/fracture or non-MSK pathology or investigation of your choice, that has taken place in an extra-departmental setting e.g.Prepare a 1500 word essay should also focus on your role as a radiographer (or student) and how you work within the wider team and ensure that you deliver excellent patient care.

Assessment Brief
Module Title: Radiographic Practice 3
Level: 5
Module Leader/ Assessment set by:

Assessment title: Task 1 The Computer Based Assessment (Summative CBA) Task 2 The Case Study (1500 words + 500w action plan)

Task 3 The Clinical Assessment Scheme/Placement book
Mode of submission: You should submit your assessment …….

Task 1: Summative Assessment Task 1 (CBA); click ‘Summative Assessments’ and ‘Task 1 Summative CBA’, to access the test.

Task 2: Summative Assessment Task 2 Submission Link via the submission point in blackboard; click ‘Summative Assessments’ on the left to submit your written assignment.

A front sheet should be attached and submitted as part of the assignment. A 500 w SMART action plan should accompany your assignment before the reference list.

Task 3: Upload the final sign off statement signed by the CLOs to evidence that you have passed the clinical elements. ‘Summative Assessments’ to the ‘CAS statement submission link’

Task details and instructions:

Task 2:

This is the written part of the assessment and accounts for 40% of the overall module grade.
N.B. Additional Guidance
Clear evidence of dangerous practice will be result in an allocated grade of 0% as per the marking grid.
Use of APA 6th edition referencing throughout (as per SHU guidelines).
If you use web based literature, ensure you have considered the reliability/validity of the content (see ‘induction. Look here first!” for advice)

Task 2 is a 1500-word case study/scenario about a relevant topic emerging from the module.
You will need to review and include current literature to support your work which must include as well as peer reviewed academic journals, health professional and legislative publications (guidelines, HCPC, RCR etc).
The SMART action plan counts as an additional 500 words and should incorporate how you have acted upon/used feedback to plan your learning.

The case study should be:
Based on either a complex situation/fracture or non-MSK pathology or investigation of your choice, that has taken place in an extra-departmental setting e.g.

Cardiac Catheter Suite/Pacing Room

Theatre (trauma, day case (pain clinic),elective, urology or abdominal)
Resus or Mobile (including ICU/ITU or SCBU/NICU, wards and theatre recovery).

This example list is not exhaustive and any ideas should be discussed with the module leader early on.

The 1500 word essay should also focus on your role as a radiographer (or student) and how you work within the wider team and ensure that you deliver excellent patient care.

The SMART action plan (additional 500 words) should be included to within your essay, to provide evidence of learning opportunities and how you have acted upon or utilised feedback (before the reference list).

Formative tasks can be included as appendices.-

Assessment Criteria: Tasks 1 and 2 have a minimum grade of 40%.

Refer to the marking grid for Task 2; two electronic copies to be submitted via MyHallam for marking and to allow electronic testing for plagiarism (see ‘using this site’ and the ‘assessments’ tabs for information related to plagiarism, confidentiality and task information).

The aim of the written assessment is to demonstrate your understanding of your responsibility to produce optimal diagnostic images, work effectively within a wider team and ensure patient safety and excellent care (Please refer to the full learning outcomes and guidance contained within the module document).

The written assessment allows you to evidence your ability to write a coherent and balanced discussion, informed by BOTH literature and practice within the clinical environment. The assignment will allow you to explore key themes that link theory to practice.

It is expected that the written coursework will include the following;

(See link below) A clear introduction in the style of a case study and conclusion/summary

Use of relevant and current literature sources (correctly referenced: APA 6th edition) to inform your discussion and any judgements made (see ‘Using this site’ for quick links to the library and information on how to access and critique the literature).

Evidence that the Learning Outcomes (see below) have been met

That the work is well presented (link to library resources on essay writing and planning) with good use of accurate and appropriate medical, academic and scientific terminology.

Word count / duration

The written assignment should be 1500 words in length with the 500w action plan as part of the essay, the total word count is therefore 2000words. The work should be double spaced and written in a clear legible font (Calibri or Arial) and size 11 or 12.
This word limit relates to the word count given by the word count tool in Microsoft Word and should be included at the end of the document before the reference list.

Work that is >10% over the word limit will be penalised by 10% of the available marks, i.e. you would lose 10 marks on this assessment task. Note that all text, apart from the title, contents page and list of references at the end of a document and any text in appendices, is included in the word count. Citations in the text, tables, and labels should be included in the word count.

You must include the declared word count in your assignment.

Appendices can be used to support your work but should be referred to in the main body of text, and should not be used just to extend the word count. Tables and figures in the body of the work can be used, but are included in the word count.

Note that the use of diagnostic images is not an expectation at level 5.

Formative Feedback
To support your completion of the assessment process you are offered the opportunity to seek formative feedback from a named member of the module teaching team, relating to tasks that will support your assignment as well as an outline of your assignment. This can be via email or a formative link (click on formative assessments) on BB by the due date.
See this agreed statement on draft submissions:

learning outcomes: On successful completion of this assessment, you will be able to:
Module Learning Outcomes:

Practice safely through the appropriate application of underpinning knowledge and in accordance with legislation and guidelines. (task 1, 2 and 3)

Discuss the practical considerations of Radiology Department design in order to ensure optimal workflow and safe operation (task 1 and 3).

Through reflection and feedback recognise your personal development in the role of a second year diagnostic radiography student in the clinical environment and your relationship with, and responsibility to service users and other health care professionals. (task 2 and 3)

Explain and justify the role of the radiographer in the use of imaging in an extra-departmental setting. (task 2)

Apply radiographic and scientific principles for radiographic examinations in relation to adapted radiographic technique, patient care and management, image production and optimisation.(task 2 and 3) Academic writing style (task 2 and 3)

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