Choose three characters from Morrison’s novel Song of Solomon and write a 4-6 page paper in which you discuss the sometimes public and other times private histories that lie beneath each name.

Writing Topic: “What’s in a Name: Embedded Histories in Morrison’s Song of Solomon.”

This topic builds on class discussions of what lies beneath names-not only our own nicknames, but those of the many characters in Morrison’s Song of Solomon as well. Choose three characters from Morrison’s novel Song of Solomon and write a 4-6 page paper in which you discuss the sometimes public and other times private histories that lie beneath each name.

General Guidelines:

Paper should be double-spaced, one side of the paper only. No separate title page. Center your title. Number pages; indent paragraphs.

Write an introduction that sets up your argument. Your conclusion should reflect on the insights gained from the analysis in the body of your paper, not simply restate your introduction. Don’t forget to give your paper a title that reflects its subject and please make sure to make references from the novel throughout your essay to support your argument.

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