Identify process and outcome metrics that you will use to determine problem resolution.

The business case study presentation is a model for presenting a topic or issue relevant to healthcare management to the class consultant and peer students. The case study presentation is a common tool for evaluating business issues, developing strategies and techniques of completing business goals. Students will complete and submit this template before their webinar presentations. Each student presents a minimum of four case presentations during the semester. A completed copy of this form will be submitted through for each presentation prior to the weekly consultation meeting.

The following items in this section simply provide guidance for “thinking through” your case. Given the time constraints, do not attempt to include all of the information in your final case presentation. See the “Guidelines for the Business Case Presentation” for detailed instructions.

1) Requests for case consultation and guidance [What do you need from the consultation group reviewing your case study?]

Indicate type of case study
Clinical Management Financial Management Quality/Performance Management
Strategic Planning Healthcare Information Management Leadership in Healthcare Management

2) Description of current problem and desired outcome [include a description of each of the Triple Aim domains]

3) Context for the problem/situation [e.g., time frame, relevant business factors, protagonist and key stakeholders]

4) Review potential plans of action [describe each plan, the strategy and techniques, and the expected results & barriers to implementation] – PROCESS FOCUSED

5) Create a matrix of each step in plan of action that needs to accomplish the key aims tasks


Who                              Role                                 Task Metrics/Measure                    Outcomes






6) Identify process and outcome metrics that you will use to determine problem resolution [describe ways to measure process and outcomes]


7) Describe quality assurance plan [ways to determine that the solution is sustained]

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