What are the root causes of homelessness? What would policy addressing root cause look like? What are the proximate causes of homelessness? What would a policy addressing proximate cause look like?Discuss

Write a 2-3 page paper addressing the below questions. Each question should be answered in a separate paragraph.

What are the root causes of homelessness? What would policy addressing root cause look like? What are the proximate causes of homelessness? What would a policy addressing proximate cause look like?


Your paper should consist of an introduction, the body and a conclusion in several double-spaced paragraphs, font Times New Roman or Calibri size 12, with one inch margins. Length is 2-3 pages (excluding title & reference page) completed in Microsoft Word. Do not write in the 1st person. This is not an opinion paper, so justify your stand with scholarly sources (at least 3. Note: Wikipedia is not a scholarly source). Your paper will be checked for originality, so please do not copy from the Internet or some other sources. Type your names and a title at the head of your paper.

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