Analyze this public service announcement, discussing whether the writer/director was successful or not in persuading the viewer, and how the writer/director used ethos, pathos, and logos in order to persuade the audience.

Title – at the very least, identify what you’re talking about, but try to be creative

Academic tone – avoid:

2nd person/the written “you”; slang, clichés/overused phrases; vague word choices (a lot, stuff, things) and absolutes (always, every, never, since the beginning of time)


1000 words (3 full pages)

Main argument underlined.
Rhetorical writing strategies – transitions, topic sentences, warrants, examples, quotes etc.

Proper spelling and grammar (hint: use spell check and proofread before submission)
All quotes from the video must be cited in-text (often called parenthetical citation) and a properly formatted Works

Cited page must be on a separate page at the end of the essay (this is not included as part of the required word count, and is additional.) Make sure to ask me for help if you are unsure how to cite in MLA.

Assignment Explanation:

In your second essay, you will select any topic you choose so long as you are able to find a suitable Public Service Announcement video on the topic. (It’s best to google public service announcement videos, and it will bring up different videos, and you can pick a topic from there.)

You will analyze this public service announcement, discussing whether the writer/director was successful or not in persuading the viewer, and how the writer/director used ethos, pathos, and logos in order to persuade the audience. You must have one paragraph on each rhetorical strategy: ethos, pathos, logos.

Our Learning Outcomes for this assignment are:

Demonstrate knowledge of individual and collaborative writing process
Develop ideas with appropriate support and attribution;
Write in a style appropriate to audience and purpose;
Read, reflect, and respond critically to a variety of texts;
Use Edited American English in academic essays.


A title that indicates the name of the Public Service Announcement plus Rhetorical Analysis—see sample paper
An introduction with a hook about the topic of the video, a segue into the name of the announcement, a brief overview of the PSA, and a thesis that indicates whether the PSA is effective or not because of ethos, pathos, and logos.

A complete summary (play by play) of the video in the intro, or in the second paragraph (preferable).

A argument driven topic sentence that mentions ethos, pathos, or logos (that would be the first sentence of the body paragraph).

Textbook definition of the rhetorical strategy you are talking about from Writing Today as the second sentence of each body paragraph—see sample paper. That means, you will quote this definition.

At least one or two quotes from the PSA per body paragraph to help make your point.

A conclusion that reiterates your argument and main points and provides the audience with something to think about.

If you set your essay up exactly like the samples provided, plus quote and cite properly, there is absolutely no reason you cannot make an A.

All introductions of every essay you write will need a thesis with 3 points you plan to discuss as the last sentence of the introduction. All body paragraphs will directly tie into the thesis. If the 1st point in my thesis is depression, then the topic sentence for paragraph 1 should be about depression. You are required to have quotes in every essay. You are required to set those quotes up and analyze those quotes. You are required to have a conclusion that reiterates the thesis and the main points, as well as provides more info to the reader. The criteria for Module 1 was for you to learn the proper Intro, Body, Conclusion format. Many of you did not learn it, but you will be doing that same format all term and next term, so you need to learn it real quick. Doing so will make your life so much easier, and it will give your essay so much more structure.

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