How does the nonbiblical person experience the Absolute? How does the One, the Infinite, the Totality make room for the others and their freedom? Do we really exist as autonomous beings or are we simply parts of the All, the One, the Totality? What is the great problem of the One and the Many? How do pantheism and Hinduism answer this problem? What are the three ways of solving this puzzle? Evaluate them.

Instructions in the Word document. This essay is only based on a small portion inside on one of Balthazar’s books.

Go down to page 97. From there Write a 4 page essay on #15. Titled “longing for god: philosophical” which is on page 97, 98, and 99.

Longing for God: Philosophical

We now shift from literature to philosophy. How does the nonbiblical person experience the Absolute? How does the One, the Infinite, the Totality make room for the others and their freedom? Do we really exist as autonomous beings or are we simply parts of the All, the One, the Totality? What is the great problem of the One and the Many? How do pantheism and Hinduism answer this problem? What are the three ways of solving this puzzle? Evaluate them.

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