Select a teacher in any grade TK – 5, who works in a public urban school (traditional district or charter) that is culturally and linguistically diverse.Provide  a better understanding of the realities of public school teaching through an interview.

Teacher Interview
Turn this in via Blackboard.

Provide  a better understanding of the realities of public school teaching through an interview.

Teacher Interview:
Select a teacher in any grade TK – 5, who works in a public urban school (traditional district or charter) that is culturally and linguistically diverse. Do not use a private or parochial school.

This interview will provide you with a better understanding of the realities of public school teaching. You will need to conduct this interview before school, during recess or lunch, or after school. Agree on a mutually convenient day and time for the interview. If necessary, you may conduct the interview via phone, email, or Skype. The interview should last for 15-20 minutes.

We will generate a list of interview questions in class; however, you are encouraged to tailor your interview script to reflect your interests. Questions should be open-ended and should facilitate a conversation between you and the teacher.

As you conduct your interview, take notes or audio record the teacher’s responses. You must ask the teacher permission before audio recording.

After the interview, type the following to turn in:

Teacher’s name (or pseudonym):

School and district:

Years of teaching experience:

Grade levels taught:

Transcription of interview:

Type each question you asked the teacher along with their response.
Transcription should be in question/answer format.
Be as accurate and detailed as possible.



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