Choose an individual for whom you have cared in the clinical setting. Create a concept map based on the complete physical assessment you performed while providing care using the provided power point template.


J.M. is a 60-year-old female who is a recently retired sales clerk because of increasing chronic health concerns. At her visit last week to her primary care practitioner (PCP), she learned that her type 2 diabetes is going to require taking insulin at nighttime. She has never had to give herself injections and is reluctant to start. The PCP sent her to the diabetic clinic in the hospital to learn more about caring for her diabetes and giving injections. Her diabetes had been controlled with diet and oral medication up until this visit. She is not compliant with her diet and has recently gained lb. J.M. lives alone; her husband died 2 years ago. She has two children who live in the same town and are very close to her. You are the nursing student taking care of J.M. today during your clinical rotation.

Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment.

Choose an individual for whom you have cared in the clinical setting.

Create a concept map based on the complete physical assessment you performed while providing care using the provided power point template.

Components of the concept map

Individual’s information (10 points/10%)
Medical diagnosis
Brief review of underlying pathophysiology
*List what functional changes are happening
*List process that initiated and maintained disorder or disease
Assessment Data (15 points; 15%)

Include all assessment data, not simply information that supports the selected nursing

Neurological Exam
Nursing Diagnoses (15 points/ 15%)
Select three nursing diagnoses to addresses
One must be an actual problem
One must address a psychosocial need
The final must be a high priority for the individual
Linkages Within and Between Diagnoses (5 points/5%)
Concept map demonstrates relationship within and between the nursing diagnoses.
Planning (15 points/15%)
Prioritize diagnoses to reflect needs of the individual
Set realistic outcome measurement
At least two (2) scholarly, primary sources from the last 5 years, excluding the textbook, are
Implementation (15 points/15%)
Interventions are individualized for patient-provide rationale
Interventions support achievement of selected outcome measurements-provide rationale
Evaluation of Outcomes (5 points/15%)
Determine if outcomes were met.
Provide evidence that supports that determination.

Describe what changes, if any, are needed to promote expected outcomes in the future.

Safety-Communication-Infection Control 16 points/16%) specific elements of communication used when providing care, safety concerns related to the individual for whom you cared, and infection control practices followed while caring for this patient.

APA Citations and Writing (4 points/4%)

References are submitted with assignment.

Uses appropriate APA format and is free of errors.

Grammar is free of errors.

Spelling is free of errors.

Mechanics of writing are free of errors.

x. Power Point Template (0 points/0%) (deduction if not used)

a. Used provided Power Point Template for assignment completion or an alternate that is approved by faculty.

For writing assistance (APA, formatting, or grammar) visit the APA Citation and Writing page in your course resources.

Note that your instructor may provide you with additional assessments in any form to determine that you fully understand the concepts learned in the review module.

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