Discuss in a separate section or document (suggested length of 1–2 pages) the instructional strategies used in your three lesson plans by doing the following:Describe how one lesson was designed to accommodate specific learning needs.


Use the unit plan outline (named “Task 2 Revised” for specific information about the lesson plans.

A. Discuss (suggested length of 1–2 pages) the strategies you used during instruction by doing the following:

1. Describe one specific example of a technique you used to engage all students in learning.

2. Describe one specific example of a technique you used to promote a positive environment.

3. Describe one specific example of how you provided an opportunity for students to reflect on their learning.

4. Describe one specific example of how you promoted the use of academic language in instruction.

B. When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.

Task: 3 Lesson Plans About US Government

Design and teach three standards based lesson plans for your 2-week unit plan from Task 2.

Part A.- Summary of Directions

Submit three standards-based lesson plans from your two-week unit plan. Each lesson plan should include the following:

identification of general information (i.e., topic, grade, student grouping, seating arrangement, where the lesson fits in the unit plan)

identification of standards and measurable objectives (condition, behavior, and criterion)

instructional materials (e.g., class handouts) for students and teacher
description of resources (e.g., technology) for students and teacher

prerequisite skills and connections to previous learning

description of instructional activities (presentation of new information, guided practice, independent practice, time allotment for each activity) in enough detail that another teacher could follow them

description of formative assessments used to monitor student learning

description of sense-making and/or wrap-up opportunities

Part A.- Course Instructor Advice

Note: You may create new lesson plans or adapt or utilize existing ones. The lesson plans should all fit within the focus of the unit, but they do not need to be consecutive lessons.

Each of the three lesson plans you submit must include the presentation of new material. It may not be only a review of material or only the administration of an assessment.

You may use the attached “Lesson Plan Template” or any other lesson plan template of your choosing that supports the instructional sequence of the lesson and includes the given points. If you do not use the WGU lesson plan template, you must add any missing components and label them clearly.

For help with writing measurable objectives, etc., you can refer back to the Handouts for NNA1 tasks.

Part B.- Summary of Directions

Discuss in a separate section or document (suggested length of 1–2 pages) the instructional strategies used in your three lesson plans by doing the following:

1. Describe how one lesson was designed to accommodate specific learning needs.

2. Describe how one lesson was designed to use technology to build understanding.

3. Describe how one lesson was designed to use content discussions and/or questioning strategies to engage students.

Part B.- Course Instructor Advice

It may be easiest to design one lesson to address each of these requirements separately for purposes of this task, although you may also certainly use each of these in all three of these lessons.

Specific learning needs

Identify these among the students in your class.


Any kind of technology that you use to support students in understanding and learning the content can be mentioned here, such as Ipads, computers, audio equipment, video equipment, etc.

Content discussions and/or questioning strategies

These come from your teaching of the lesson, so be sure to plan your strategies to include content discussions with the students and/or questioning strategies to guide their comprehension.

Part C.- Summary of Directions

Cite outside sources in APA format.

Part C.- Course Instructor Advice

The graders in C360 check to see if you have cited the state standards for the lessons, so be sure to cite and reference them.

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