Write the first blog post for the firm. In your blog, you will have to introduce the blog and then write about a relevant topic.

Professional Blog Assignment (10%)


You will be creating a blog post that you imagine could be used for a paralegal firm in Ontario; however, the blog post will never be sent to the firm or posted on the firm’s website. There is no need to use a blogging platform for this assignment. You can submit this assignment the same way you would an essay assignment. There is no need to include graphics or other visuals in your blog. Your mark will be based on your written work. Here are some examples of law blogs: Canadian Law Blogs List | A comprehensive list of Canadian Law Blogs, maintained by Stem Legal


After visiting the websites of a few paralegal firms in Ontario, you will choose one of the following blog writing options:

1) If the firm’s website has a blog, your task is to write the July blog post for the firm. Your blog’s introduction must state the firm’s name and provide a link to the blog. For example, if the firm handles summary convictions, you can write a blog post related to summary conviction offences. Remember your blog should be interesting to the public and within the firm’s scope of practice.


2) If the firm does not have a blog, your task is to write the first blog post for the firm. In your blog, you will have to introduce the blog and then write about a relevant topic. For example, if the firm handles residential tenancies, you can discuss how COVID-19 is affecting tenants. You must include a link to the firm’s website in your blog.

Assignment Requirements

Your 350-500-word blog post should include the following parts:

1. A title
2. An effective introduction
3. A position
4. Evidence to support your position
5. Different blog parts organizing your evidence with headings and lists if
6. Proper grammar


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