Prepare a Book Critique on the book “A Problem from Hell”: America and the Age of Genocide.

You are writing a Book Critique on the book “A Problem from Hell”: America and the Age of Genocide. refer to it through the paper and refer to outside sources to help address the things the paper must include which are listed below.

Paper should be should 10 numbered pages in length (exclusive of title page, bibliography, notes, illustrations, appendices, etc.), with one inch margins using 12 pt. Times Roman, 1.5 line spacing. Penalties apply for spelling/typographical errors, format issues. Please use Chicago Turabian style for citations.

The critique, at a minimum, must examine:

–introduction, subject overview and background about the author(s);
–why was this book written? What was its purpose?
–the main themes and arguments of the book;
–the principal strengths and weaknesses of the book including reviews (e.g., what others have written or said about it);
–the applications for future American Foreign Policy, including significant issues and challenges, and impact.

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