Explain and apply any 1 key term from list A and any 1 key term from list B below in relation to at least one specific population or group covered in ADMN 3125 thus far (Weeks 1-7).

Application of Key Terms and Concepts

Answer both questions appearing below.

P Each answer should be 1-2 full double-spaced pages in length.

P Type in 12 pt. Times New Roman font, double spaced, with 1” margins,

P Include the number of the question being answered, but not the question itself.

P Because you are only using ADMN 3125 sources, there is no need to include a List of Works Cited or a Bibliography. Do, however, parenthetically cite your sources within your answers; for example, using our textbook: (Bell & Scott, 2018) or, in reference to a particular page (Bell & Scott, p. 50) OR if a video is cited, you
would include the title of the channel and date, e.g. (Center for American Progress, 2012).

For a reference to a reflection summary, an example is the following: (ADMN 3125,Reflection Summary 1, 2021)

P Put your name and “ADMN 3125 Exam” at the top of the first page only. A full/separate title
page is not needed.

P Upload on the course D2L in the created dropbox for Exam 1 by no later than 11:59 p.m. EST on
Sunday, September 26, 2021.

Guidelines / Formatting

(1) The Model for Creating Diversity
Allen and Montgomery (2001) developed the Model for Creating Diversity (MCD) which was introduced to the area of diversity management with a focus on the guidance of organizational development and change strategies that promote and advance diversity inclusion (Bell & Scott, p. 42).

The model is based upon four components: Unfreezing, Moving, Refreezing, and Competitive Advantage. (This is located in Chapter 2 of the text).

As part of your discussion for this question, describe each of the four components, and then select an organization of focus and apply each of the components to the organization in order to highlight how diversity management change can be applied and outcomes can be achieved.

(2) Application of Key Terms and Concepts

Explain and apply any 1 key term from list A and any 1 key term from list B below in relation to at
least one specific population or group covered in ADMN 3125 thus far (Weeks 1-7). Your answer
should demonstrate: (1) comprehension of the two terms and how they do or do not operate / apply in
the relation to the specific populations you discuss; and (2) comprehension of what is relevant and
what each population you select faces relative to the terms.

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