What did Nixon’s veto of the “childcare Development Act” symbolize according to one of the speakers? Do you believe Nixon’s decision continues to shape the state of childcare even today?Explain.


“The Raising Of America: Once Upon a Time When Childcare for All Wasn’t Just a Fairytale”

After watching the above episode and discussing it in class, you may write an analysis (between 600-1000 words double-spaced, size 12 Times New Roman font) for extra credit. In order to qualify for extra credit, you must do the

1. Be present during class discussion.

2. Contribute during class discussion.

3. Write an analysis of the Milm by answering two question from the options below—one question from part A and one question from part B.


1. How did a country that says it cares about its youngest children end up with a system that neglects the needs of so many of them?

2. How did the socio-political contexts shape parenting styles and childcare across various socio-historical periods?


1. How did the war on poverty shape the lives of less privileged and more privileged families/children? And what sorts of inequalities do you believe persist today?

2. What did Nixon’s veto of the “childcare Development Act” symbolize according to one of the speakers? Do you believe Nixon’s decision continues to shape the state of childcare even today?Explain.

NOTE: If you don’t need extra credit, you may use this assignment as one of your six required memos.

Hints: This list is NOT comprehensive. You may identify other factors discussed in the film that can help you write your analysis.

1. Women’s movement.
2. Phyllis SchlaMly
4. Changes in the economy
5. Need for dual earning couples
6. Need for female labor
7. Nixon’s choices about childcare
8. American “family values” ideology
9. Cultural beliefs about “moral” and “immoral” families
10. Racial inequalities
11. Political and ideological campaigns

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