Devise a simple PowerPoint presentation (4-6 slides) to be used at community events on the use of a patient portal.

Assignment Directions

Case Study: EHRs and Consumer Informatics


Review the scenario below. You will create a PowerPoint presentation based on the criteria outlined in the directions.

Your presentation should consist of 4-6 slides, and include an audio narration for each slide. Your presentation will be graded in accordance with the attached rubric.


Many new assisted living and memory care complexes are being constructed in south Florida due to a significant increase in the population of individuals over age 55. Local medical societies and HCO administrators are actively working with these companies to establish relationships for continuing care services.

As director of HIM at a local hospital, Leslie Wyatt has been asked to develop a slide presentation on the EHR and patient portals to members of these assisted living complexes and active senior citizens’ educational centers.

Since the audience has somewhat limited medical terminology and technology knowledge, she is tailoring the presentation to meet their needs. Within the presentation, Leslie stresses the importance of the EHR and the benefits it provides to patients, such as increased communication between providers, enhanced continuity of care, and improved patient safety.

She gives a brief overview and examples of the basic functions such as e-prescribing, CPOE, results management, and public health reporting. Leslie also gives a demonstration of the patient portal for her hospital. She shows the audience how they can access their patient information, follow-up on lab test results, monitor their blood pressure or glucose levels, ask questions about prescriptions, request or change appointments, schedule educational or health-
monitoring sessions, and address their insurance and account issues.

Leslie is aware that confidentiality is a topic of concern. Therefore, she addresses interoperability and secure transmission of data between HCOs and providers in her presentation. She also incorporates the HIPAA confidentiality and security information audience members receive when visiting their physicians. Leslie concludes her presentation with a discussion of frequently asked questions, and then she allows a significant amount of time to
address any other questions the audience may have.

Case Study from: Sayles, N.B. & Kavanaugh-Burke, L. (2021). Introduction to information systems for health information technology,
4th edition. AHIMA Press. p. 222
Devise a simple PowerPoint presentation (4-6 slides) to be used at community events on the use of a patient portal.

You will need to decide what information to incorporate into your presentation (some ideas include benefits, background of patient portals, frequently asked

Assignment Directions

Your audience for this presentation is the senior population (55+). Each slide should contain audio narration (approx. 30-60 seconds/slide).

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