Select one poem from the syllabus that you have NOT ALREADY WRITTEN about and in a short paragraph, explain your response to the poem.

Directions: Reflect on the poems we have read over the past few weeks.

Select one poem from the syllabus that you have NOT ALREADY WRITTEN about and in a short paragraph, explain your response to the poem.

Length: about 300 words

Format: paragraph/please upload a typed, double-spaced document; attachments or other forms of submission are not accepted


This assignment will be evaluated on your ability to write an effective paraphrase; to express your ideas about the poem in a clear, organized paragraph. Your response is proofed and free from grammatical errors; you have followed the directions of the assignment.



Robert Francis (1901–1987)
Catch 1950

Two boys uncoached are tossing a poem together,

Overhand, underhand, backhand, sleight of hand, every hand,

Teasing with attitudes, latitudes, interludes, altitudes,

High, make him fly off the ground for it, low, make him stoop,

Make him scoop it up, make him as-almost-as-possible miss it,

Fast, let him sting from it, now, now fool him slowly,

Anything, everything tricky, risky, nonchalant,

Anything under the sun to outwit the prosy,

Over the tree and the long sweet cadence down,

Over his head, make him scramble to pick up the meaning,

And now, like a posy, a pretty one plump in his hands.



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